The Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania
The website of our own Diocese of Pennsylvania

The Episcopal Church
The website of the national Episcopal Church, a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion

Episcopal Relief and Development
Provides worldwide emergency relief and long-term recovery plans for damaged communities

Anglicans Online
An unofficial online center for Anglican and Episcopalian news

The Daily Office
The website of the Daily Office (Morning & Evening Prayers), in English and Spanish

Tikkun magazine & Network of Spiritual Progressives
The progressive interfaith movement from the Jewish perspective.

U.S. Religious Landscape Survey
Religious makeup, beliefs, practices and social/political attitudes of the American public.

Weekly Lectionary Readings
Scripture readings for each Sunday's worship

 "Roll Up the Light of Love" article in O, The Oprah Magazine
Good Shepherd's former Sunday School director Lorene Cary reflects on her teaching experiences